Thursday, December 19, 2013

Group Presentation

I wasn't a big fan of this speech. I'm just not that into doing informatives. I thought that overall it went very well considering part of our group was gone a lot. I think we could have improved on our power point presentation part. If you get that. Overall though I thought it went well.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Duet Speech

I really enjoyed this speech. I think it was by far my favorite so far. It wasn't just because I was working with Carly, I just really enjoyed the script that we chose. I thought it went really well and that we were well prepared. We probably could have improved in some the actions that we had to do. Pantomiming was really difficult since we had to pretend we were in a car, but I hope that everyone got the main idea. Overall it was a fun speech to do.

Celebration Speech

I really liked having to do a graduation speech. I felt that it went really well and I liked that I could relate to it very well. I thought I had really good eye contact and that I was very well practiced. I think I will add more to it when I actually do the speech for graduation though. Over all though I really really liked it.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Are You Ready for Children?

My speech was: "Are You Ready for Children?" I think my speech went pretty well. I worked on keeping good eye contact. I know that I moved around maybe too much, but that is easily fixable. I thought over all it was an easy speech to do, I really liked my topic. I was happy that I got a couple laughs on it, especially the part dealing with Paige. (Sorry about that) :) Overall I was happy with the outcome.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Persuasive Speech

My persuasive speech over lowering the drinking age went really well I thought. I practiced it more than I had practiced my informative speech. I noticed a huge difference in my speaking just because I felt more prepared. I was way more at ease and I could concentrate on standing still and keeping my arm at my side. I noticed I had a problem with standing still during my previous speeches. I also liked this speech because I really believe in this topic. Not so much about lowering the drinking age, but the harmful effects that alcohol can have on a persons life. I'm just glad that it went over well. :) 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

"30 Days: Minimum Wage"

          Walking in another person's shoes has a whole new meaning for me. This show has surprised me yet appalled me. I never thought that working for minimum wage would just barely get a person by. It's hard to imagine that thousands, probably millions, of people do this their whole life. We take for granted being able to drive our cars and being able to buy a snack after school. Alex realized that he isn't able to just buy a snack whenever he was hungry. Morgan and Alex both had to go to the hospital and they could barely pay off their bill. The way that Alex said, walking into the emergency room cost him around $300.  I thought that was just shocking. I think the government needed to raise minimum wage a lot sooner than they did. This country is supposed to be about equality but the government is set up is to keep the poor, poor and the rich, rich. Granted, there are a lot of charities out there, but it's still not enough for every homeless or needy person in this country. I'm taking into account that this couple didn't even have kids. Everyone knows that having kids is very expensive but Morgan and Alex could barely provide for themselves, what would they have done if they had kids? It's a scary thought for sure.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Well that was nerve wracking! Trying to remember my speech, keeping eye contact with everyone and staying enthusiastic throughout the entire speech was way more difficult than I had imagined. Not even counting the fact that I completely forgot one of my points until the very end! So saying that I have things to work on may be a little bit of an understatement. I know that I'm going to have to work on remembering all of my points and keeping calm throughout the entire speech. I think I kept eye contact with others through out. I am excited for the next speech, despite everything that went wrong with this one! :)