Sunday, October 6, 2013

Persuasive Speech

My persuasive speech over lowering the drinking age went really well I thought. I practiced it more than I had practiced my informative speech. I noticed a huge difference in my speaking just because I felt more prepared. I was way more at ease and I could concentrate on standing still and keeping my arm at my side. I noticed I had a problem with standing still during my previous speeches. I also liked this speech because I really believe in this topic. Not so much about lowering the drinking age, but the harmful effects that alcohol can have on a persons life. I'm just glad that it went over well. :) 


  1. I thought your speech was very well presented! I could tell you practiced a lot because you spoke at a good rate, had many gestures, emphasized what you wanted to get across to us, and had very good eye contact. I agree with you that people need to understand the harmful affects alcohol has on a person! Very good job! :)

  2. I think that your speech was very good! You seemed very calm and casual about presenting. I agree with you 100% on your topic and you persuaded very well! You did an excellent job! Keep up the good work! :)

  3. Autumn I loved this topic, because I am totally against drinking! I liked how you were very relaxed and very smooth. You didn't stutter or anything. Overall, very good!
