Thursday, December 19, 2013

Group Presentation

I wasn't a big fan of this speech. I'm just not that into doing informatives. I thought that overall it went very well considering part of our group was gone a lot. I think we could have improved on our power point presentation part. If you get that. Overall though I thought it went well.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Duet Speech

I really enjoyed this speech. I think it was by far my favorite so far. It wasn't just because I was working with Carly, I just really enjoyed the script that we chose. I thought it went really well and that we were well prepared. We probably could have improved in some the actions that we had to do. Pantomiming was really difficult since we had to pretend we were in a car, but I hope that everyone got the main idea. Overall it was a fun speech to do.

Celebration Speech

I really liked having to do a graduation speech. I felt that it went really well and I liked that I could relate to it very well. I thought I had really good eye contact and that I was very well practiced. I think I will add more to it when I actually do the speech for graduation though. Over all though I really really liked it.